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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I haven’t received an email and my season starts next week?

A lot of times our emails unfortunately get sent to your spam folder! Give it a look and if you’re still having issues, reach out to us at 


My child’s 6 can they still sign up for a class?

Our curriculums are designed and targeted specifically for 2-5-year-olds, so we typically don’t allow 6-year olds into class because they might be too advanced and wouldn’t fully enjoy the activities. Our top priority is to make sure every family gets the most out of our program and has the best possible experience, and with the curriculum designed for 2-5-year-olds, we find that could be challenging for kids older than that!


My child does not meet the minimum age requirement for soccer or baseball, can I still register?

We typically recommend that children are either two when the season begins or in the first couple of weeks for Tiny Tot Kickers, and 3 for Tot Shot Sluggers. However, we have allowed parents in the past to try out a day to see if their child is ready or not! With some of the skills required for the class, we want to make sure they are ready and have the best possible and positive experience with the sport!


How long is the program?

Our classes run over 6 weeks, with 6 classes occurring on the same day and time each week. And each class is typically 45-50 minutes long.


Can we switch classes?

Possibly! We do have a maximum limit of kiddos in a class to ensure that the class has enough equipment, and can also be run to the best of our coaches’ ability with the number of kids! To find out please contact us at 


How will we receive photos?

Photos will go out in a private link to the email you have on file with us after the season ends. 


When will we receive the photos? 

It typically takes a couple of weeks to collect and sort through our cameras as we have several locations and cameras. But we always work to get them to you as quickly as possible once the season has ended!



How do I register for a future season?

Visit our website (, and then select your location and the upcoming season. Then click the drop-down menu under the sport you’re interested in to find which class matches your kiddo!


Can we switch classes?

Possibly! We do have a maximum limit of kids in a class to ensure that the class has enough equipment and can be run to the best of our coaches’ ability with the number of kids!


Can my older kid (6+yo - not registered) participate in class?

For certain activities and games, absolutely! We find older siblings can bring some comfort and fun to the kiddos, however for certain games and skills we are teaching we want to focus on just the kiddos in class, so they can stay focused! The best thing to do would be to talk to your coach prior to class and find out when the best time for this would be. 


Can a relative bring my kid to class?

Absolutely! We only remind you that for 2-3-year olds, adult participation is required and helps the kiddos progress faster in our program. So if another relative does bring the kiddo to class, make sure they are ready to participate and join in on the fun! It is also useful for you to let your site coordinator or coach know the week prior for safety reasons.


What should we do if we will miss class? (due to illness, schedule conflict, etc) 

Notify your site coordinator who can give you some options for makeup classes later in the season! We want to make sure you get the full 6-weeks of classes for your kiddos, and we might have other days and times for you to attend a class if you miss the one that you registered for!


Can I have a refund if we miss a class?

We will only grant refunds under extreme circumstances, but we will offer a credit for a future season if you miss a class or multiple throughout the season. We want your kiddo to enjoy the full 6-weeks of classes that we have to offer, but if you are unable to attend a makeup class we can always look at future seasons! 


How do you handle bad weather?

If there appears to be any sort of weather issues such as moderate to heavy rain, lightning storms, snowstorms or accumulating ice on the roads, we will plan to reach out in the early morning for Saturday classes or at least two hours in advance for weekday classes to let everyone know the status of the class. In the case of light rain or uncertain forecasts, we will usually lean towards holding class. However, if weather turns bad unexpectedly, we will take the necessary steps to make sure everyone stays safe, which may mean canceling class at the last minute or on-site. Make sure to check your email frequently (spam folder too!) during periods of uncertain weather as we will try to give an update regardless of our decision. 


What is your mask policy?

Indoors: We follow the guidelines and rules that our indoor facilities or local regulators have put in place and thus will change from location to location. We will award do our best to keep you informed regarding your specific location but if you’re unsure of the local policies, please feel free to reach out to us at


Outdoors: As of now we are not requiring any mask usage for children or adults in our outdoor programs. However, we will consistently reevaluate our mask policies as necessary. 


Your health and safety are top priorities for us and if you ever have concerns or feel uncomfortable with these policies, please don’t hesitate to reach out so we can see what kind of accommodations we may be able to provide. 


I forgot my mask, what should I do?

We have extra masks on site for you to use in this situation but encourage you to please leave some in your car so you have a backup in the future.

Have more questions? 

Contact us at to learn more!

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